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AcuteConcept will continue to offer High Quality addons serving the Aeron Chair community.
AcuteConcept will continue to offer High Quality addons serving the Aeron Chair community.
World’s First
- Genuinely Custom Engineered Headrest for Herman Miller Aeron Chair
- Unleash the Full Potential of the Aeron Chair
- Completes the Aeron Chair with the Most-Wanted Feature
Stylish, Harmonic Design
- Matches and Blends-In with the Aeron Chair
- Meshed Pillow for heat ventilation and maximum comfort
- Reduces Stress on Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back muscles
The AeroSense Headrest
by AcuteConcept(formerly AeronHQ.com)
World’s First Custom Engineered Headrest for Herman Miller Aeron Chair